RFP - HE Ecosystem #1 - Academics and Administration (2024)

RFP #: 269EMCPS-24-001

BidNet Title and Link

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Released: June 18, 2024

Pre-Bid Conference and Informational Webinars

A Pre-Bid Conference was held on Thursday, July 16, 2024. 

Informational webinars were held on May 16 and 23, 2024.


The purpose of this RFP is to procure under a single event a broad spectrum of software solutions for the Academic and many of the Administrative functions within Higher Education. It is the first in a planned series of similar broad spectrum procurements.

The strategic goal of this procurement is to provide Members and Participants with streamlined access to a comprehensive array of software solutions under a single contract vehicle. Conversely, our second goal is to make it easier for the awarded solution providers to include their full solution portfolios under that same contract vehicle.

Procurement plus System Selection, Implementation and Other Services

This procurement, coupled with our awarded array of distinguished system selection, cloud migration and implementation consultants (see IT Professional Services), will make it far easier and faster for our rapidly growing and highly diverse consortium members to choose and implement the solutions that will deliver the best possible outcomes.

Key New Sections of this RFP

The sections below introduce and preview two new and key aspects of this RFP, Business Capability-Based Functional Scope and Requirements and Business Outcomes.

Business Capability Based Functional Scope and Requirements

Edge has adopted the Higher Education Reference Model (HERM) Business Capabilities Model (BCM) from CAUDIT (and available through EDUCAUSE) to serve as the foundation of the functional scope and requirements for this RFP.

Scope is planned to include software systems that support the following general business capability areas as defined in the HERM BCM:

Learning and Teaching Research Enabling Capabilities (Admin/IT)
Curriculum Management Research Opportunities & Planning Library Administration
Student Recruitment Research Funding Advancement Management
Student Admission Research Assurance Engagement & Relationship Management (CRM)
Student Enrollment Research Management Financial Management
Curriculum Delivery Research Delivery Human Resource Management
Student Assessment Research Dissemination Information Management
Completion Management
Supporting Services (Housing)
Student Management

Student Support

Each capability area has two or more business capabilities that will form the foundation of the requirements.

See the HERM BCM images shared further below for a high-level visual overview of the functional scope of this RFP.

Note: The final scope of capabilities within this RFP is subject to change.

Business Outcomes

The Ecosystem RFPs will also include a section that will ask solution providers to give examples of the business outcomes their customers have experienced as a result of deploying their proposed solution(s).

EdgeMarket has adopted the Business Outcomes Framework™ created by Outcomes Work to provide the scope and organization for this section. 

Important Note: Although Outcomes Work provides business outcomes resources and services to buying organizations and solution providers, EdgeMarket RFPs will never require bidders to purchase such resources or services, nor are such resources and services required for bidders to formulate bid responses.

Have You Completed a Vendor Profile?

If your firm has not yet done so, please take a few minutes to complete our Vendor Profile Submission form. This provides use with very useful background information and will ensure that you are added to our communications.

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Additional Information about the HERM BCM and Business Outcomes Framework™

HERM Business Capability Model (BCM) Images

The images below are from the HERM BCM placemats. The capability areas outlined in long-dash-dot green are presently planned for inclusion in this RFP.

HERM Core Capabilities

HERM BCM Enabling Capabilities

Business Outcomes Framework™

The images below show the hierarchy of the Business Outcomes Framework™ as consisting of Business Value Categories, Business Drivers, and Investment Areas.  The Investment Areas will serve as the collection points for Business Outcomes responses.
