Cybersecurity Services

Provider: Edge

Ransomware, malware and more constant threats to every organization. At Edge, the nation’s nonprofit technology consortium, we believe the least costly breach is the one that never happens. We also believe cybersecurity can be both effective and affordable, which is why we provide a full suite of enterprise security services through our procurement platform. These services are designed with colleges and universities, public school districts, and government entities in mind, but they can serve the needs of any organization. We do not prescribe a “one size fits all” approach to cybersecurity; we provide the expertise, resources, and tools that are the most appropriate given your unique needs.

Services Include:

Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) Services

Support to guide the development of policies and procedures, and align your organization with cybersecurity standards and best practices

Privacy & Compliance Services

Services designed to bring your organization in compliance with regulations and standards such as GLBA, FERPA, and more

Incident Response Planning

Develop an action plan to protect your institution in case of an attack

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Develop policies and plans to ensure that your priority systems and data are accessible and recoverable in case of an attack

Security Operations Center (SOC) as a Service

Live, customized security operations center monitoring, right-sized for your organization

Penetration Testing

Identify vulnerabilities and gaps in your security fabric with a real-world attack simulation

Cybersecurity Health Check

Monthly vulnerability scans to regularly assess and remediate security risks

Cybersecurity Insurability Services

Services designed to meet cyber insurers’ requirements and assist organizations in the application process

To Inquire

For more information, contact:

Method of Procurement

  • Direct from Edge via Shared Services