EdgeMarket is Proud to Partner with AAC&U

The American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) is a global membership organization dedicated to advancing the democratic purposes of higher education by promoting equity, innovation, and excellence in liberal education. Through its programs and events, publications and research, public advocacy, and campus-based projects, AAC&U serves as a catalyst and facilitator for innovations that improve educational quality and equity and that support the success of all students. 

In addition to accredited public and private, two-year and four-year colleges and universities, and state higher education systems and agencies throughout the United States, AAC&U's membership includes degree-granting higher education institutions around the world as well as other organizations and individuals. 

Now, in partnership with Edge, the nation's non-profit technology consortium, AAC&U is bringing the power of the EdgeMarket co-op and its array of higher ed solutions and services to its members.

Any AAC&U member who joins the EdgeMarket co-op gains immediate access to a growing array of competitively procured solutions and services.

EdgeMarket Solutions and Services

Learn more about the solutions and services available through EdgeMarket:

Joining EdgeMarket as an AAC&U Member

Not yet a participant in the EdgeMarket co-op? Joining is an easy, three-step process:

  1. Download the EdgeMarket Affiliate Participation Agreement - AAC&U document provided below.
  2. Sign, date and return the agreement to edgemarket@njedge.net with a cc to advancement@aacu.org.
  3. The agreement will then be fully executed by Edge, with a copy returned to you.

We'll also let AAC&U know you've joined as an AAC&U member. 

EdgeMarket Affiliate Participation Agreement

The EdgeMarket Affiliate Participation Agreement establishes the simple contractual relationship between your organization and NJEdge.Net, Inc., serving as the operator of the EdgeMarket co-op.

Download --> EdgeMarket Affiliate Participation Agreement - AAC&U

About EdgeMarket

To learn more about EdgeMarket, see:

About AAC&U

Headquartered in Washington D.C., AAC&U is a global membership organization dedicated to advancing the democratic purposes of higher education by promoting equity, innovation, and excellence in liberal education.

To learn more, visit www.aacu.org.