IT Pro - Physical Learning Space Installation and Configuration

Physical Learning Space Installation and Configuration

Awarded Providers

ProviderRFP #Contract #Expires On
New Era Technology, Inc.23-002269EMCPS-23-002-EM-NET11/30/2026
Tryfacta, Inc.23-002269EMCPS-23-002-EM-TFC10/17/2026

How to Use

Category Description

The scope of services available under this category are as generally described using the language and intent stated in the related solicitation. Awardees in this category provided sufficient credentials, experience, and know-how in this category.

Solicitation Text

Vendor services are required to install and configure, based on the Edge or another Vendor’s (if used) assessments and recommendations. These include the installation and configuration of multi-media and audio-visual physical learning space technologies including, but not limited to implementation, troubleshooting, integration, installation of equipment, operations, and maintenance.

  • Any additional services under this category not covered above.