A Message to New Jersey K-12 Districts

Edge is a New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA) authorized Cooperative Pricing System, #269EMCPS. Edge also has statutory authority to act as a Lead Agency or contracting unit on behalf of its statutory members for the procurement of goods and services as per N.J.S.A. 18A:3B-6.1.  As such, Edge is empowered to issue RFPs and/or negotiate the best prices for the best-in-class technology and services solutions for its members and co-op participants.  

We encourage all New Jersey schools and educational entities to download the Edge Board Resolution and Coop Agreement at New Participant Registration - New Jersey K-12 and join the EdgeMarket Cooperative Pricing System.  Our bargaining power increases with every participant, and by joining the co-op, you will help drive down prices for all New Jersey schools, even if you never procure any goods or services through the agreement.  There is no cost and no obligation to purchase anything when you sign up as a participant. 

We hope you will participate in the EdgeMarket Cooperative Pricing System in order to enable us to bring the best technology solutions at the best prices to New Jersey schools... and beyond.

Join Us!

To join, click here.