Modern Campus LLEE

Solution: Modern Campus Lifelong Learning Extended Education (EE)

Provider: Modern Campus, Inc.

Empower Your Institution and Lifelong Learners to Thrive

Modern Campus Lifelong Learning enables institutions to transform and meet the evolving needs of today’s students, delivering the modern experience they expect. Designed specifically for higher education, Lifelong Learning helps you grow and manage your programs in a way your main-campus SIS or traditional systems weren’t designed to handle.

EdgeMarket Contract Highlights

The EdgeMarket contract includes discounted pricing and favorable terms for our Edge members and EdgeMarket participants for the following Modern Campus solutions:

  • Lifelong Learning Extended Education (EE) platform - formerly Destiny One
    • Extended Education Core
  • Customize an implementation with capabilities designed for the needs of your program. Optional modules include:
    • Corporate Engagement Manager
    • Conference Manager
    • International & Specialty Programs
    • Language Packs
    • Pathways
    • Badging with Credly (two options)
    • Badging with BCdiploma
    • Certificates with BCdiploma
    • Tableau Dashboard Upgrade to Author
    • Instructor Time-Tracking
    • Proctoring and Exam Scheduling
    • Archive Database (two options)
    • Test Site (two options)
    • Connector (multiple options)
  • Integration Connectors+, including:
    • Connector Setup  (Colleague, Banner, Workday)
    • Connector Setup  (Peoplesoft)
    • Connector Setup  (Salesforce- Easy, Moderate, or Complex)
    • Badging with Credly Setup
    • Badging with BCdiploma Setup 
    • Archive Database (two options)
    • CMS Connector Setup

Procurement Information and Documents

See Workforce Development and Continuing Education Platform (2024)

EdgeMarket Master Agreement

If you do not have a Member-Only login and wish to see the contract documents, contact:

EdgeMarket Contract Identification Number (ECIN)

The ECIN for this contract is: 269EMCPS-23-004-EM-MDC

When you utilize this agreement:

  • Please be sure to include the ECIN all purchase orders for goods or services purchased pursuant to this contract vehicle, and ensure that the vendor include the ECIN on relevant invoices.
  • Please complete the EdgeMarket: Notice of Use of EdgeMarket Agreement form.

Return to Solution Category

Workforce Development and Continuing Education Platform (2024)

Partner-Provided Information

Visit for additional details on Lifelong Learning from Modern Campus through the EdgeMarket.